September Edition 2020

40 Shabot at Greenberg Traurig : Our team has the benefit of being physically present in Israel all year round and speaking Hebrew, accessibility by WhatsApp and cell phones and availability on Sundays and during the first half of the Israeli work day, before our counterparts in the U.S. even wake up. This allows us to develop meaningful relationships with local attorneys, and really understand the benefits associated with working with a wide variety of firms. We examine each matter that requires Israeli counsel and figure out who the best person is to assist our clients. We also expect out partner law firms to do the same on their side. Our selected Israeli firm could be an attorney from one of the largest firms, but also a boutique firm focused on the specific areas of the law. We currently work with more than 10 local firms on a regular basis and are always open to developing new work relationships. DLA’s Lustman : W hat is important is a mix of on-point experience with the specific matter and industry at-hand, coupled with the right personality fit (b/w the local lawyer and client), as well as our experience and comfort in working with the local attorney. Morris at Bryan Cave : I w ould say the key factors for me are relevant expertise, commerciality, responsiveness, and ability to work collaboratively. Having a sense of humor is definitely a bonus as well! Yossi Vebman , L eader of Skadden’s Israel practice says: There’s a sense there is a limited window of opportunity, before the pandemic hits again (which some think it did already), the stock market collapses, elections kick into gear, etc. So, deals that it would take two months to complete are done in a week. That’s true for all deals, not Israeli specific. We had large Israeli M&A deals that fell through because of concerns about the business prospects as a result of COVID - again, not a concern unique to Israel but relevant just as much. At the same time, surprisingly perhaps, we have two active Israeli IPOs that are plugging along in a business as usual mode. All very strange. What factors tip your judgment when looking to work with a law firm in Israel? What do you personally feel is the general outlook?