February Edition 2022

28 Where have you seen the most interest, activity, or momentum? We see a number of Israeli VCs looking at Denmark, to do joint funds or invest in Danish climate tech start-ups. This is presently one of the key areas where the money is. There is movement in the VC community here that wants to see more investment in that field and Denmark is a superpower in green and cleantech. Do you liaise with the Israel Innovation Authority and in what capacity? The IIA is a close partner of ours, we collaborate in different ways, and with global organizations, such as Eureka.We have joint calls for R&D projects, we work together with them to find funding for joint projects. There is a sister organization in Denmark – called Innovation Fund Denmark. What are the best ways to overcome challenges that arise? I think the right way is to foster good healthy relationships and collaborations through direct open communication. Israelis should keep in mind that Danes can see through any self-marketing and over-exaggeration. Danes like concrete and to focus on substance. What do you think is the Israeli way? The Israelis dare to dream, they are more courageous, they dream of the global market from day 1. Danes are more cautious and want to make sure they examine all the risks before they go forwards. We want to think more globally from day 1, there is a strong regional market in the EU, obviously, but we want to emulate the Israeli way to a large extent. Israelis work hard day and night and obtain big money for big projects faster, often from U.S. investors, and we are trying to do similar. What can Israelis learn from Danes? Danes are excellent planners for the long-term, like a goat walking up a mountain, they will reach the peak, slowly and steadily but they get there. Israelis could plan more effectively with regards to the long term. Check out any potential events and reach out to ICD via the website at https://israel.um.dk/en/innovation-centre