November Special Edition 2021

29 Tosummarize,working in theUAE,necessitates a comprehensive knowledge of both the local culture aswell as a goodunderstandingof themulti-cultural workforce present in the region. That said, as Dubai continues to establish itself as a major global center for the high-tech and finance industries, business in the UAE has become more transparent in the last few years, with Western-style procedures being adopted over the old preference for networking and contacts as a means of driving business forward. However, everything still evolves around relationships, and as such it is important to establish trust with stakeholders in the organization. Key takeaways from this article: 1. Understand the class system. Society has a steep hierarchy in the UAE, with royals at the top, followed by business owners, mid-level professionals and finally, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. 2. Learn about face. Recognize that honor or saving face is exceptionally important in any negotiation or business transaction. 3. Acknowledge multiculturalism. Learn something about Indian and Pakistani cultural values to help you better understand your colleagues in the UAE. Remember, too, that not all Arabs working in the UAE are Gulf Arabs; many come from much more conservative cultures. 4. Understand indirect communication. Be prepared to be indirect when saying no or declining an offer – and to read between the lines of what someone is saying to you. 5. Strive for harmony. Maintaining a sense of harmony will require a high degree of diplomacy and great patience, and you must do your best not to show frustration. The rest depends on the will of God or as they say in the UAE “Inshaalah.”